Photo Credit: Jessica Reeves Photography
she’s a maniac…
Ok, it’s not 1983 and I’m not Alex Owens, but I am a maniac – about print design (And the 80s.) Best. Decade. Ever. The music, the movies, the clothes. But, I digress... We’re here to talk about my passion for print.
I have always been fascinated by paper – the textures, weights, and colors. I grew up near a paper mill and the smell was awful, but if that’s the price I had to pay for paper then consider my debt paid in full.
Watching shows like How It’s Made (and probably even a segment on Reading Rainbow or some other 80s PBS show) I learned early on about the printing process – years before I would ever set foot near a printing press. Watching the presses run is still fascinating to me. However, in the age of digital printing where short runs with low-cost printing are king, it takes some creative ingenuity to do some really cool things on a budget. But digital printing is advancing every day and I’m up for the challenge.
Recently, I printed some custom notebook covers on a metallic gold paper (pro tip: use paper as a fifth “ink” when you only have the budget for 4C process). A white underprint was used to prevent the color of the design from changing when printed on gold paper. This was a cost-effective and quick turn solution to achieve a gold accent when metallic inks/foils were not an option. This was a fun project (check it out here.)
Ready to work with me on a project? Shoot me an email.
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